Wednesday, September 21, 2011

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Powerful 23 PTC Indonesia Troubled In the period August - September 2011 PART 3

Hi buddy kliker all wherever you are. How are you all? Hopefully your wal afiat healthy.Following our previous discussion, the troubled 23 PTC in the period August - September 2011 which was divided in two parts ie PART 1 And PART 2. Untuk kali ini Saya ingin melengkapi  postingan saya sebelumnya.

Here is a PTC is problematic in the period August-September 2011:

  1. KlikLagiDeh, Admin Pendi Laksana / Redi Ginung P : Again another new PTC PTC is unable to compete with the already capable of managing its finances well. Is the PTC sites have been deliberately made use to deceive people? Or does the owner was unable to manage the site properly. And yet again, the name Admin and Crew Pendi Laksana listed as the admin is problematic. Missing one grew two, maybe that's guidelines used by Sdr.Pendi Laksana and Crewnya. I wonder what is going on inside his mind. Or did he deliberately did it for the personal gain by deceiving others. Only God knows. Only later hopefully no more admin admin PTC like him.
  2. KlikReceh, Admin Frans Eriko S. :  I do not know what happened with this one PTC, The site is under Construction (Maintenance) From Before the Eid Fitri 1432H. As of this posting the site on the air in the same condition that is "Under Construction (Maintenance)". If it really is in the repair, why take a long time to overcome them. Or is this the only reason for admins who want to escape for a time period where active in the web hosting sites out shelter. The answer is only God Almighty knows best.
  3. Lacostebux, Admin Preisy Refina Lintjewas / Viclin Eman :  PTC this one is the sister of the PTC Nusantaraclix published until this post is still running. According to the owner of the Br. Viclin Eman: "I Lacostebux not an artificial, but I bought from someone. For some reason, people are reported to the owner of the hosting places Lacostebux shelter. Until finally Lacostebux be deleted." That's according to his narrative. For more details you can find out at the Forum Nusantaraclix. Hopefully, all his words are true. And PTC Nusantaraclix he's still able to compete with Other PTC PTC.
  4. Lind4clix, Admin Romli Hidayatulloh : Of the many PTC Admin are troubled, he was the one who most make Kliker Mania Wrath, How No., hacker attacks originated. Then the replacement site script, which requires members to re-register. Later that accumulate PO Pending (Including PO I). That increasingly members are upset, the admin said that he was ill. So Pending PO accumulate. But what happens, the hospital administrator is a reason for him to have mercy members. However, after investigation, it turns out the admin in a healthy condition wal afiat he even had time to capture his picture and his picture menguploadkan into facebook. This is what infuriated the report a member ptc kepihak authorities. To strengthen the evidence in this matter to the police report, the member is asking for help to other members who have similar problems with him. But until now I do not know kelanjuta problem. I had asked the member is on this issue. He replied "Hurricane". Entaah what he meant by that answer. Only God who is aware.
  5. Lionklik, Admin Benyamin Natajaya / Darmawanto : This PTC is very very surprising. PTC 1-month-old running, it's been a lot of casualties. God knows how much money the member who brought this to run by him. Without notice, PTC is gone like the bare earth, right at the age of impressions a month. Again again God only knows what his intention to build this PTC.
  6. Rumahklik, Admin Ni Putu Mira Sabtariani : Just like a site that he had the eksisPTC that I've discussed in previous editions. That the constraints faced by him is a financial problem. Consequently stacking PO Pending his proposed member, however he emphatically said that the two PTC will remain standing until there are investors who want to invest their shares to the PTC. Instead he gave compensation to the terms and conditions prescribed for the member who has a Pending POs and qualified, can be swapped with what has been determined by the admin. For more details see the forum RumahKlik. (I feel weird ko yes, why did the admin can take a stance like that. In fact, to get the item, admin also needs to raise. Given the problems faced by the admin. It's better to give the maximum PO admin to members of certain members, from the admin to give policy like that.). Again again Only God Almighty Know Someone Intention.
  7. Sentraclix, Fatma Ari Riyanti : It's More than 1 month PTC is in the status of Under Construction, Either tactic from the admin. Or indeed true in the repair. Until this post in aired Sentraclix still in Under Construction. Let's wait, whether these improvements lead to success or criticized.
  8. Smileclix, Romli Hidayatulloh : No need to explain anymore, because the PTC is the same as Lind4clix. So, who do not know the problem is read at the top of : Laugh:
  9. Super-Matrix, Admin Pendi Laksana : No need to explain at length the problem. This administrator clearly obvious a lot of the problem.
Similarly, our discussion this time. Continue forward to the development of PTC in this beloved homeland. Both are problematic or not. To find out about the development of PTC that you follow please visit the forum, if there are less clear about the PTC. Please check with the Admin / Moderator / mastah in the forum.
If in this writing there is a less pleasing, beg forgiveness opened the doors of magnitude.Because the human place and Forgotten One. Thank you for participating. Wassalam.

Short Message:Make sure you do not let one choose the PTC. Because a lot of PTC that provides an enticing promo promo. But not how long the PTC lapse problematic. After all, you also are harmed. So, before choosing PTC diforumnya try to check first if there is a problem with thePTC. I give this message to the local PTC alone. For non-local TCM you can visit PTC-Investigation as a material consideration in choosing PTC non - Local.

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